last changed Jan-2025
Steps to create a VBA macro to detect and red-highlight repetitive words
The following script can be added to your MS-Word VBA environment in order to quickly scan and highlight the overuse of [English] words in the text. The logic will look for similar words within a 50 word radius to each word, and if it finds repetition it will mark them with a red-background highlight.
The logic will attempt to normalize all words when it does this - so "Fund", "Funding" and "Funds" will all be seen as the same word.
Also note the line setting the ignoreWords
array in the VBA which you may wish to fine tune as you go along:
ignoredWords = Split("this,that,than,were,when,with,which,will,them,there,their,they,they're", ",")
Once installed, to run the red-highlight, simply press AltF8 and select to run the redHighlightAdd
The result will be red highlights on any words that have been seen multiple times within word radius.
To undo the red-highlights, run the redHighlightsRemove
function (using AltF8 again).
In MS-Word:
- Press AltF11 to open the VBA Editor.
- On the Project navigation window, right click on the Normal project and select Insert -> Module.
- Copy and paste the code below into the module window.
warning IMPORTANT: Note, I have not worked out how to make this work when track revisions is on - so copy your text into a non track revisions document before running it
vba :: redHighlightAdd()
Option Compare Text
Sub redHighlightAdd()
' Create the dictionary object for storing normalized words
Dim normalizedWordsDict As Object
Dim wordList() As String
Dim wordList0() As String
Dim findRange As Range
Dim t As String
Dim ignoredWords() As String
' Disable Track Changes temporarily for accurate range selection
Dim trackChanges As Boolean
trackChanges = ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False
If True Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If True Then
Set normalizedWordsDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Application.StatusBar = "Adding Red highlights..."
Set findRange = ActiveDocument.Content
t = getVisibleCharacters(ActiveDocument.Range.text)
wordList0 = Split(t, " ")
ReDim wordList(LBound(wordList0) To UBound(wordList0))
'For i = LBound(wordList0) To UBound(wordList0)
' ' Debug.Print wordList0(i)
' wordList(i) = GetNormalizedWord(wordList0(i))
' Debug.Print wordList0(i) & "=" & wordList(i)
'Next i
Dim reportedWords As New Collection
Dim currentWord As String
For i = LBound(wordList0) To UBound(wordList0)
currentWord = wordList0(i)
wordList(i) = GetNormalizedWord(currentWord)
' Check if the current word has been reported before
Dim alreadyReported As Boolean
alreadyReported = False
On Error Resume Next
reportedWords.Add currentWord, currentWord
If Err.Number > 0 Then
alreadyReported = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If Not alreadyReported Then
Debug.Print "[" & currentWord & "]=[" & wordList(i) & "]"
' Debug.Print "Skipped [" & currentWord & "]"
End If
x = 0
Next i
ignoredWords = Split("this,that,than,were,when,with,which,will,them,there,their,they,they're", ",")
Application.StatusBar = "Scanning words..."
For i = 0 To UBound(wordList)
ThisWord = wordList(i)
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = "Processing word " & (i + 1) & " [" & wordList(i) & "] of " & UBound(wordList) + 1
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If (Len(ThisWord) > 3 And Not IsIgnoredWord(ThisWord, ignoredWords)) Then
normalizedWordI = ThisWord
Debug.Print i & ": Considering " & normalizedWordI
' Loop through the next 100 words
For j = i + 1 To Min(i + 50, UBound(wordList))
' Update the status bar with the progress
' Application.StatusBar = "Processing word " & (i + 1) & "." & j & " [" & wordList(i) & "][" & wordList(j) & "] of " & UBound(wordList) + 1
' Check if the word is in the ignored list
If Not IsIgnoredWord(wordList(j), ignoredWords) Then
' Normalize the words using lemmatization if they meet the length requirement
normalizedWordJ = wordList(j)
' Check if the normalized words match (case-insensitive comparison)
If StrComp(normalizedWordI, normalizedWordJ, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
' Find and highlight the repeated word
' Go to the specific word pointed to by j
Debug.Print "Highlighted " & ThisWord
highlightWord i, wordList0
highlightWord j, wordList0
End If
End If
Next j
End If
Next i
' ...
End If
' Restore Track Changes setting
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
' Clear the status bar
Application.StatusBar = "Highlighting finished"
Debug.Print "Highlighting finished"
End If
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = trackChanges
End Sub
Sub highlightWord(ByVal wordIndex As Long, wordList() As String)
' Declare and set the findRange object
'Dim findRange As Range
' Dim wordList() As String
Dim t As String
Dim selectedRange As Range
Dim x As Integer, x0 As Integer, w As Long, safe As Long, tracer As String, word As String, finished As Boolean
'Set findRange = ActiveDocument.Content
' Debug.Print findRange.Text
' t = getVisibleCharacters(ActiveDocument.Range.text)
' wordList = Split(t, " ")
finished = False
w = 0
x = 0
safe = 500000
Do Until finished Or safe = 0
word = wordList(w)
x0 = x
x = x + Len(word) + 1
tracer = " " & w & " Stepping over [" & word & "] from " & x0 & " to " & x
If word = "" Then
'wordIndex = wordIndex + 1
End If
If (w >= wordIndex And word <> "") Then
finished = True
End If
w = w + 1
safe = safe - 1
'Debug.Print tracer & " ...[" & word & "] " & safe
' ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=x, End:=x + Len(wordList(wordIndex))).Select
' ShowCharacterASCII "a", word
Set selectedRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=x0, End:=x - 1)
selectedRange.HighlightColorIndex = wdRed
'ShowCharacterASCII "b", selectedRange.text
Debug.Print "Highlighting word " & wordIndex & " [" & word & "] at " & x & " and " & (x + Len(word)) & " = [" & selectedRange.text & "]."
' selectedRange.Shading.BackgroundPatternColorIndex = wdRed
End Sub
Function getVisibleCharacters(ByVal text As String) As String
Dim regex As Object
Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
' Use regular expression to remove non-printable characters
Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9'ā-]" ' The regex pattern to find special characters
With regex
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
' regex.Pattern = "[^ws!@ #$%^&*()-+=<>?/ .,;:'""[{]}|_`~" & vbCrLf & vbLf & "]"
getVisibleCharacters = regex.Replace(text, " ")
End Function
Sub ShowCharacterASCII(ByVal prefix As String, ByVal text As String)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(text)
Debug.Print prefix & " : " & Mid(text, i, 1) & ": " & Asc(Mid(text, i, 1))
Next i
End Sub
Function getReplaceMultipleSpaces(ByVal originalText As String) As String
Dim modifiedText As String
Dim regex As Object
Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regex.Pattern = "s+"
modifiedText = regex.Replace(originalText, " ")
getReplaceMultipleSpaces = modifiedText
End Function
Function GetWordAtPosition(ByVal wordIndex As Long) As String
Dim wordList() As String
' wordList = Split(ActiveDocument.Content.Text, " ")
Dim t As String
t = getRemovePunctuation(ActiveDocument.Range.text)
wordList = Split(t, " ")
If wordIndex > 0 And wordIndex <= UBound(wordList) + 1 Then
GetWordAtPosition = Trim(wordList(wordIndex - 1))
GetWordAtPosition = ""
End If
End Function
Sub redHighlightsRemove()
Debug.Print "redHighlightsRemove"
Dim doc As Document
Dim counter As Long
Dim iterationCount As Long
Dim maxIterations As Long
Dim currentPosition As Long
Dim docLength As Long
Dim characterRange As Range
Dim hasRedHighlighting As Boolean
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Application.StatusBar = "Removing Red highlights..."
' Disable Track Changes temporarily for accurate range selection
Dim trackChanges As Boolean
trackChanges = ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False
If True Then
counter = 0
iterationCount = 0
maxIterations = 10000000
currentPosition = 0
docLength = doc.Range.End
Set characterRange = doc.Content
Const redRGB As Long = 255 ' R = 255
Const greenRGB As Long = 0 ' G = 0
Const blueRGB As Long = 0 ' B = 0
currentPosition = 0
Do While currentPosition < docLength
characterRange.Start = currentPosition ' Set the start position of the character range
characterRange.End = currentPosition + 1 ' Set the end position of the character range
' Debug.Print "Character: " & currentPosition & " = " & characterRange.text & " = " & characterRange.Font.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor & " = " & characterRange.HighlightColorIndex
If characterRange.HighlightColorIndex = wdRed Then
characterRange.HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighlight
counter = counter + 1
End If
iterationCount = iterationCount + 1
If iterationCount >= maxIterations Then
Exit Do
End If
currentPosition = currentPosition + 1
Application.StatusBar = "Red highlights removed: " & counter
End If
' Restore Track Changes setting
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = trackChanges
Debug.Print "redHighlightsRemove done"
End Sub
Function ContainsHyphen(word As String) As Boolean
ContainsHyphen = (InStr(word, "-") > 0)
End Function
Function Min(a As Long, b As Long) As Long
If a < b Then
Min = a
Min = b
End If
End Function
Function Max(a As Long, b As Long) As Long
If a > b Then
Max = a
Max = b
End If
End Function
Function IsIgnoredWord(ByVal word As String, ignoredWords() As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(ignoredWords) To UBound(ignoredWords)
If LCase(Trim(word)) = LCase(Trim(ignoredWords(i))) Then
IsIgnoredWord = True
Exit Function
End If
Next i
IsIgnoredWord = False
End Function
Sub TestHighlight()
Dim w As Integer
w = 4
Do While w < 30
Debug.Print "-- " & w
highlightWord w
w = w + 1
Debug.Print "Done"
End Sub
You also need the following word-normalizer that will TRY TO change plurals and variants into their basic versions so that those are considered the same word, e.g. "Reading", "Reader", "Reads" and "Read" are all considered the same:
vba :: get normlized versions of words
Function GetNormalizedWord(ByVal word As String) As String
' Remove common word endings
word = LCase(word)
x = Len(word)
If Len(word) > 3 Then
If Right(word, 3) = "ies" Then
If Right(word, 5) = "chies" Then
word = Left(word, x - 3) & "y"
word = Left(word, x - 3)
End If
ElseIf Right(word, 2) = "ās" Then
word = Left(word, x - 2)
ElseIf Right(word, 2) = "sā" Then
word = Left(word, x - 1)
ElseIf Right(word, 3) = "ous" Then
word = Left(word, x - 2) & "n" ' e.g. reglious
ElseIf Right(word, 1) = "s" Then
If Right(word, 3) = "hes" Then
word = Left(word, x - 2)
ElseIf word = "jesus" Then
' skip
word = Left(word, x - 1)
End If
End If
x = Len(word)
If Right(word, 2) = "ed" Then
If Right(word, 3) = "ied" Then
word = Left(word, x - 3) & "y"
ElseIf Right(word, 3) = "bed" Then
word = Left(word, x - 1)
ElseIf Right(word, 3) = "red" Then
If Right(word, 4) = "ered" Then
word = Left(word, x - 2)
word = Left(word, x - 1)
End If
ElseIf Right(word, 5) = "rated" Then
word = Left(word, x - 1)
word = Left(word, x - 2)
End If
ElseIf Right(word, 6) = "tional" Then ' e.g. traditional
word = Left(word, x - 2)
ElseIf Right(word, 3) = "yal" Then ' e.g. portrayal
word = Left(word, x - 2)
ElseIf Right(word, 2) = "ly" Then
word = Left(word, x - 2)
ElseIf Right(word, 3) = "ing" Then
If Right(word, 4) = "sing" Then ' e.g. symbolising
word = Left(word, x - 3) & "e"
ElseIf Right(word, 4) = "zing" Then ' e.g. symbolizing
word = Left(word, x - 3) & "e"
ElseIf Right(word, 6) = "hering" Then ' e.g. adhering
word = Left(word, x - 3) & "e"
word = Left(word, x - 3)
End If
ElseIf Right(word, 3) = "ized" Then
word = Left(word, x - 3)
ElseIf Right(word, 3) = "ism" Then
word = Left(word, x - 3)
ElseIf Right(word, 3) = "ion" Then
If Right(word, 7) = "uration" Then
word = Left(word, x - 5) & "e"
ElseIf Right(word, 5) = "ation" Then
word = Left(word, x - 3) & "e"
ElseIf word = "passion" Then
' skip
ElseIf word = "religion" Then
word = Left(word, x - 3)
End If
ElseIf Right(word, 2) = "ty" Then
If Right(word, 3) = "ity" Then
ElseIf word = "sanctity" Then
word = Left(word, x - 2)
End If
' do nothing
End If
End If
GetNormalizedWord = word
End Function
Sub TestNormalize()
Dim word As Variant, ThisWord As String, x As String, y As String, testWords() As String
Debug.Print ""
Dim wordsForTest6 As New Collection ' Collection to store words for test 6
If (True) Then
Debug.Print "--"
x = "Crucifixions crucifixion depictions"
y = getVisibleCharacters(x)
testWords = Split(y, " ")
For a = 1 To 5
Debug.Print "---"
For i = 0 To UBound(testWords)
ThisWord = testWords(i)
If Len(ThisWord) > 3 Then
If Right(ThisWord, 2) = "ed" Then
If a = 1 Then
w = GetNormalizedWord(ThisWord)
Debug.Print "1 " & ThisWord & " = " & w
End If
ElseIf Right(ThisWord, 3) = "ing" Then
If a = 2 Then
w = GetNormalizedWord(ThisWord)
Debug.Print "2 " & ThisWord & " = " & w
End If
ElseIf Right(ThisWord, 2) = "es" Then
If a = 3 Then
w = GetNormalizedWord(ThisWord)
Debug.Print "3 " & ThisWord & " = " & w
End If
ElseIf Right(ThisWord, 3) = "ion" Then
If a = 4 Then
w = GetNormalizedWord(ThisWord)
Debug.Print "4 " & ThisWord & " = " & w
End If
ElseIf Right(ThisWord, 4) = "ions" Then
If a = 5 Then
w = GetNormalizedWord(Left(ThisWord, Len(ThisWord) - 1))
Debug.Print "5 " & ThisWord & " = " & w
End If
ElseIf ThisWord <> "" Then ' Add more conditions for other tests
wordsForTest6.Add ThisWord ' Add the word to the collection for test 6
End If
End If
Next i
Next a
Debug.Print "--"
' Process the words collected for test 6
Debug.Print "---6"
For Each word In wordsForTest6
w = GetNormalizedWord(word)
Debug.Print word & " = " & w
Next word
End If
End Sub
Note, this normalizer will ignore 3, 2 or 1 letter words, as well as use some hard-coded special cases
warningWARNING: Always save your document before you run the macro as unexpected things can always happen.
- In MS-Word, to add the highlights, use AltF8 to run the
macro - to remove the highlights, use AltF8 to run the
Additional Installation Tip
I find it's also handy to add these functions to the Quick Access Toolbar on the top of the Word frame, and adding an appropriate icon to match
Additional Macro - Academic Spacing
For a quick way to set the document up for academic style spacing, you can use the following AcademicSpacing macro...
vba :: AcademicSpacing()
Sub AcademicSpacing()
' AcademicSpacing Macro
With Selection.ParagraphFormat
.LeftIndent = CentimetersToPoints(0)
.RightIndent = CentimetersToPoints(0)
.SpaceBefore = 0
.SpaceBeforeAuto = False
.SpaceAfter = 8
.SpaceAfterAuto = False
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceMultiple
.LineSpacing = LinesToPoints(1.5)
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.WidowControl = True
.KeepWithNext = False
.KeepTogether = False
.PageBreakBefore = False
.NoLineNumber = False
.Hyphenation = True
.FirstLineIndent = CentimetersToPoints(0)
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
.CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0
.CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0
.CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0
.LineUnitBefore = 0
.LineUnitAfter = 0
.MirrorIndents = False
.TextboxTightWrap = wdTightNone
.CollapsedByDefault = False
.AutoAdjustRightIndent = True
.DisableLineHeightGrid = False
.FarEastLineBreakControl = True
.WordWrap = True
.HangingPunctuation = True
.HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine = False
.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha = True
.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit = True
.BaseLineAlignment = wdBaselineAlignAuto
End With
End Sub