The following sections are a dummies-guide to getting started using Microsoft-Excel on a Windows device, intended for novices wishing to learn and to get to know the basics of Excel usage.
You are recommended to read each section and apply the given steps using Excel in order to get hands on experience.
Before you start, you need to be aware of the following parts of the Excel window
Firstly, when you create a new Excel file, or load one - then this is known as the Workbook. In this workbook, you can have one or many worksheets
You also need to know the following references:
- The Quick Access Toolbar
- The Menu
- A Ribbon
a different Ribbon exists for each different Menu option, here we see the Home Ribbon
- Tabs on a Ribbon
- here we see the Home Ribbon has Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells, Editing and Add-ins tabs
- The Settings buttons for each Tab
Using these will allow you to access more of the detailed settings behind the various Excel elements
- A cell's Name Box
- Formula Bar input field
When clicking on a cell on the worksheet, you can type into the cell, or you can type into this Formula Bar field; pasting into the cell will use the format of the paste source, whereas pasting into the input field will use the format of your cell
- The All Cells selector
- Column headers
- Row numbers
- Selected worksheet
Use the + button to the right of these to add additional worksheets
Good luck - and remember Excel is one of the most powerful applications you can ever use in business - so being fluent in it is highly advantageous for your own development.